Thank you for the photo " Zoos" my answer is:-
The G.B are no longer my teachers. I no longer follow there instructions. ( I clarified my reasons for this in my previous post)
But now the G.B are no longer " MY" teachers, I want to find beautiful thighs and not have there arse in my life. I want to fly higher, and higher. I don't want them to win by me being in pain.
Maybe I am selfish, but I won't try to fool myself by thinking I am the man to bring the W.T down. Therefore I want to live and be happy. I will be there for friends and family trapped in the organisation, but the day to day hours which should be mine I have decided are mine.
What I am trying to say is that my own ethical and moral viewpoint says I should fight the G.B. But It's a fight I realise I can't win. So I won't hate them, and I can't ignore them. I THINK THE WRONG WORDS I used in my O.P. were "FEEL SORRY" for them. But I do Pity" them because I would rather have no wife, no child, no passport. Infact I would choose NONEXISTENCE than be anything like them.
The Rebel.